The Foundation of the College Shared Governance

The Colleges Charter (recorded in Montgomery County) and Articles of Incorporation (filed with the Commonwealth) formally and legally establish the College as a corporate entity. 惇蹋圖s Charter names the first Board of Trustees and calls for the creation of a code of By-Laws to provide the basic structure of the Board and its responsibilities. Our By-Laws vest the general administration and management of the College in the Board of Trustees, and give an outline of the composition, business and fiduciary responsibilities of the Board and the Officers of the College.

The Plan of Governance, referenced in the By-Laws, is a document approved by the Faculty and the Board which defines the primary elements of the Colleges shared governance. It sets forth the roles and interactions of the Board, the Faculty and the Administration, to promote cooperation, consensus and mutual understanding about how we make important decisions impacting the College community.

In the broadest of terms, the Plan leaves ultimate fiduciary responsibility (which includes a duty to uphold applicable laws) and authority regarding mission and strategic direction with the Board, primary authority over academic matters with the Faculty, and primary authority over and responsibility for the Colleges administration and management with the Administration. The Plan also affirms Student self-governance and recognizes the importance of maintaining close cooperation, consultation and communication with the Students, the Staff, the Alumnae/i and the other members of the College community.