Alice Lesnick

Term Professor in the ±¬ÁϹÏ/Haverford Education Department
Alice Lesnick headshot


Phone 610-526-7944
Office Hours
Monday 2:00pm-4:00pm

And by appointment.

On Leave
semester II


Ph.D., The University of Pennsylvania

Areas of Focus

Community-building in education and mentoring; community-based and collaborative learning; conflict resolution and restorative practice.


Alice Lesnick is Term Professor of Education at ±¬ÁϹÏ/Haverford Education Department; Associate Co-Director of Lagim Tehi Tuma (LTT), a summer action research program, consortium, and NGO based at ±¬ÁÏ¹Ï and in Dalun, Ghana; and convener of the Workplace Advisors program at ±¬ÁϹÏ.

As a faculty member, Alice has created and taught a wide range of courses (including on language justice, education and technology, and community-engaged learning) and has chaired the Education Department over many years. Her current research amplifies the wisdom of care work using an innovative research methodology of deep listening and co-writing in a book forthcoming from Lever Press. Recent peer-reviewed articles written with collaborators on other facets of her research on dialogic learning are found in the Journal of Interactive Pedagogy and Technology and the International Journal of Students as Partners.

A 2021 recipient of the McPherson Award for Excellence in Teaching and Service to the Community, A trained mediator and facilitator. Alice leads the Workplace Advisors Program for conflict resolution at ±¬ÁÏ¹Ï and serves as a founding member of CARLA – the coalition for anti-racist literacy.

As Associate Dean for Global Engagement (a role she inaugurated in 2016 and concluded in 2024), Alice guided a network of committees overseeing the institution’s global engagement, including institutional partnerships, creating global learning capacities, and convening the College’s travel safety council.

Alice holds a B.A. in English from Yale College, an M.A. in Liberal Education from St. John’s College, Santa Fe, and a Ph.D. in Reading/Writing/Literacy with a Graduate Certificate in Women’s Studies from the University of Pennsylvania.