Authors: Cook-Sather, Alison; Hong, Emily; Moss, Tamarah; Williamson, Adam
Source: International Journal for Academic Development, Volume: 26, Issue: 33, Pages: 347-359, DOI: 10.1080/1360144X.2021.1947296, July 2021
Type of Publication: Journal Article
Abstract: Faculty-faculty conversations and student-faculty conversations typically unfold as separate forms of faculty learning. We present an approach to new faculty development through which faculty-faculty conversations in pedagogy seminars overlap with student-faculty conversations in pedagogical partnerships. Writing as three new faculty members and one academic developer in a bi-college consortium, we review scholarship on building trustful conversation in faculty development; present the overlapping forms of faculty-faculty and student-faculty conversation that constitute our approach; share how the three new faculty members developed voice and agency in their pedagogical practices; and note both challenges and other versions of this approach.
惇蹋圖/Haverford Education Program