Professor Carol Hager and Nicole Hamagami '16 Collaborate on Journal Article

The article "," recently published in Review of Policy Research, highlights many of the unique opportunities available to ±¬ÁÏ¹Ï students.
The article is co-authored by Professor of Environmental Studies and Political Science Carol Hager and Nicole Hamagami '16, a biology major at ±¬ÁÏ¹Ï who is now pursuing an M.D./Ph.D. at Washington University in St. Louis.
Nicole was a student in Professor Hager's course Global Politics of Climate Change, which was part of the 360° Climate Change: Science and Politics course cluster, in 2015. The Japan case study that she wrote for the article began as a research paper for Professor Hager's course and Nicole continued to work independently with her on the joint project after she graduated in 2016.
"As an individual who was pursuing the 'pre-med' track at BMC, I had never really engaged in non-basic science research and thus was incredibly eager to delve into this project and push myself in a field that was really quite new to me," says Nicole.
"Professor Hager and other professors at BMC believe in the capability of their students to contribute meaningful insights into a variety of disciplines, and looking back, I feel very fortunate that I was able to academically mature with that sense of trust."