Colloquia and Events 2012/13
Department Sponsored Events for Fall 2012
"News from Abroad: Student Reports"September 14
"Temples, Walls and Agora: The Polis in Homer and History"
lecture by: Jim Marks
Center for Hellenic Studies and University of Florida
September 21
"Tomb Robbers, Art Dealers and the Trafficking of Antiquities: Archaeology in 19th-century Greece"
lecture by: Ioannis Galanakis
Center for Hellenic Studies and Oxford Ashmolean
October 5
"The Thesmophoria and Related Festivals of Moveable Objects"
lecture by: Ioanna Patera
Center for Hellenic Studies and Max Weber Kolleg
October 26
"Perspectives on Archaic Greek Epigrams: towards a new commentary and literary study"
lecture by: Sara Kaczko
Center for Hellenic Studies and University of Rome
November 2
"Achilles, Penthesileia and the killing of Thersites"
lecture by: Marco Fantuzzi
Institute for Advanced Study and Columbia University
November 9
"The Necropoleis of Pergamon: Early Excavations and Recent Discoveries"
lecture by: Ute Kelp
Universität zu Köln
November 16
"Risen from Ruins: The Rebuilding of Miletos and Athens in the Fifth Century B.C."
lecture by: Astrid Lindenlauf
November 30
"Pity and Fear in the Tragic Chorus: Negotiating the Emotional Politics of Athenian Democracy"
lecture by: Eirene Visvardi
Center for Hellenic Studies and Wesleyan University
December 7
Department Sponsored Events for Spring 2013
"The Unity of Time in Menander"lecture by: Robert Germany
Haverford College
February 1
"Providence in 'Middle' Platonism"
lecture by: George Boys-Stones
Institute for Advanced Study & Durham University
February 15
"From Books with Magic to Magical Books in Ancient Greece and Rome"
lecture by: Jan Bremmer
Institute for the Study of the Ancient World & University of Groningen
February 22
"The Embryology of Central Italian Cities: Recent Insights from Archaeology"
lecture by: Nicola Terrenato
Institute for Advanced Study & University of Michigan
March 1
The Agnes Michels Lecture presented by the Graduate Students in the Department of Greek, Latin, and Classical Studies
"Augustus and the Genius Augusti"
lecture by: Harriet Flower
Princeton University
March 22
"'Cave of the Heart': The Medea of Martha Graham and Isamu Noguchi"
lecture by: Ronnie Ancona
Hunter College
March 29
"Greek Cults in a Conquered Land: Reassessing the Early Roman Presence in the Sanctuaries of Greece (146-44 BC)"
lecture by: Milena Melfi
Center for Hellenic Studies & University of Oxford
April 5
The C. Densmore Curtis Lecture presented by the Graduate Students in the Department of Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology
"From Mistakes to Masterpieces: Craft Apprenticeship in Classical Antiquity"
lecture by: Eleni Hasaki
University of Arizona
April 12
"Poetry and Knowledge: Greek and Chinese Perspectives"
lecture by: Wei Zhang
Center for Hellenic Studies & Fudan University
April 19
"Sacrifice and Supersessionism in Early Christianity"
lecture by: Philippa Townsend
Ursinus College
April 26

Contact Us
Greek, Latin, and Classical Studies
Old Library 103
101 N. Merion Avenue
±¬ÁϹÏ, PA 19010-2899
Phone: 610-526-5083
Radcliffe Edmonds, Chair
Leslie Lawrence, Academic Administrative Assistant
Phone: 610-526-5083