Understanding Primo Levi Symposium In Honor of Nicholas Patruno
Presented by the Department of Transnational Italian Studies. Co-Sponsored by the President's Office, the Provost's Office, the Class of 1902 Lecture Fund.
Image at top of page: 惇蹋圖 Photo Archives: Nicholas Patruno performing, with colleagues, LApres Midriff d'un Faune' with Laboratory Performance by the Ballet Rustique de Montparnass" as part of the 1979 Faculty Show "Curriculi, Curricula!" at 惇蹋圖
April 22, 2022 | Wyndham Alumnae House
Writer Primo Levi is one of the most widely-read post-World War II Italian writers, thinkers, and cultural influencers. This event is held in memory of Professor Emeritus Nicholas Patruno (1941-2020) distinguished scholar of Primo Levi's work.
Wyndham Alumnae House, on Marion Avenue, has accessible parking and entrances. All events
will take place on the ground floor.
9:30 a.m. | Breakfast on the Terrace (Offered by the Provost's Office)
10 a.m. | Symposium in the Ely Room
Chair: Chiara Benetollo, 惇蹋圖
Come lavorava Nicholas Patruno: Methods, Practices, Perspectives
Roberta Ricci & Alessandro Giammei | 惇蹋圖
Nicholas Patruno, Primo Levi, and the Chain of Witness
Millicent Marcus | Yale University
Abyssal Foundations: Primo Levi and Giambattista Vico on Terror
Julian Bourg | Boston College
Projections of Memory: Interpreting Primo Levi
Gaetana Marrone | Princeton University
1 p.m. | Lunch (Offered by the President's Office)
2 p.m | Poster Session by Students of ITAL313: "Primo Levi, The Writer" Taught by Roberta Ricci
Introduction: Daria Bozzato, 惇蹋圖
Ava Blumer The Memory of the Offense: Style and Accuracy in Levi's Se questo 癡 un uomo/La memoria dell'offesa: stile e precisione in Se questo 癡 un uomo
Maia Carvalho Levis Journey through Chemical Elements: The Periodic Table (1975)/ Il viaggio di Levi attraverso gli elementi chimici: Il sistema periodico (1975)
Elise DeBiasio The Humanity of Animals and the Animality of Humans in Primo Levi/Lumanit degli animali e lanimalit degli esseri umani in Primo Levi
Camryn Karis-Sconyers Tropes and Myths of Primo Levi /Tropi e miti di Primo Levi
Joseph Lukner A Third Option for Us and Them: the Grey Zone/Una terza opzione per noi e loro: la zona grigia
Ava Panetto Writing as an Intergenerational Healing Process/Scrittura come guarigione intergenerazionale
Lake Sanchez, La Tregua: A Journey of Body, Mind, and Soul/La tregua: un viaggio del corpo, della mente e dell'anima
Olivia Schaffer, Which Holocaust? Primo Levi and Holocaust Education/Quale Olocausto? Primo Levi e linsegnamento dellOlocausto
Eleanor Taylor, From Babel to Buna: Language and Memory in the Writing of Primo Levi"/Da Babele a Buna: linguaggio e memoria nella scrittura di Primo Levi
Meenakshi Thirumurti, Primo Levi, the Poet: Poetic Justice and License /Primo Levi, il poeta: giustizia e licenza poetica
3 p.m. | Remembering Nicholas Patruno
Memories of Professor Patruno Shared by:
- Tommasina Gabriele (Wheaton College)
- Nicola Gentili (Dear friend of Nick Patruno)
- Marissa Golden (BMC Political Science)
- David Karen (BMC Sociology)
- George Pahomov (BMC Russian, Emeritus)
- Brunilde Ridgway (BMC Archaeology, Emerita)
- Darby Scott (BMC Classics, Emeritus)
- Azade Seyhan (BMC German & Comparative Literature, Emerita)
- Ute Striker (HC Italian, Emerita)
- Nancy Vickers (BMC President Emerita, Italian)
- Julia Farmer '99
- Jessi Harvey '09
- Allison Galea 04
- Rachel Lavenda '08
- Jessica Lee '08
- Emily Breslin Markos '04
- Emilia Otte 18
- Patricia Rizzo '77
- Jessica Lee '08
- Elizabeth Schwartz 08
- Sofia Bella Vitale '14
- Emily Wiseman 11
- Francesca Wiseman 81
- Sharon Zimmer '70
Learn More: Read the April 6, 2022, article previewing this event
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Contact Us
Transnational Italian Studies Department
Old Library 103
101 N. Merion Avenue
惇蹋圖, PA 19010-2899
Phone: 610-526-5198
Fax: 610-526-7479
Roberta Ricci, Chair
Phone: 610-526-5048
Katie Pidot, Academic Administrative Assistant
Phone: (610) 526-5198