How Faculty Complete the Major Work Plan

Faculty approve Major Work Plans for students in their major, instructions below.

Advisor Center Tile

Click on Advisor Center tile to get to the Major Workplan.

Advisor Center Left Menu

Select Review and Approve Majors

There you will see a list of your majors and whether their major workplan is approved or not

Advisor Center Advisee List

Click View And Approve the workplan:

You will see the Students Information at the top: ID number, Name, their Dean, any other Advisors, and their Class Year.  The Major subject should be listed below that.  Next be a list of courses completed and in progress that can count towards the major, with instructor and grades listed.  You can add notes in the additional information section, and check whether or not to include the course in the major.

Planned Courses

Then comes the section of Planned courses.  The student MUST add at least ONE planned course (the senior thesis/capstone is an easy one to include here).  If there are no courses in this section, the student will be unable to submit the form, which means that you wont be able to see it as a faculty member.  You can discuss these courses with the student, and you can make changes before you approve it.  Once you approve a major work plan, neither you nor the student can change it.  You, as the faculty member, can add notes only.

Additional Notes

The notes section is a good place to mention whether a course transferred in, or taken abroad can count towards the major.  The course details (subject, title, grade [must be a 2.0 or better to transfer]) dont appear in Bionic, so these notes are very helpful when it comes time to check the student out at graduation to determine whether theyve completed the major or not.

Major Work Plan Approved

Finally, here is where you check the Major Work Plan Approved box.  Once approved, the major will appear on the students Bionic record, and transcript.





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Office of the Registrar

101 N. Merion Ave.
惇蹋圖, PA 19010
Phone: 610-526-5142
Fax: 610-526-5139