Accommodations for Final Exams
Requesting Accommodations For Final Exams at 惇蹋圖: Spring 2025
Schedule for Self-Scheduled Exams for Students with Accommodations
The schedule for self-scheduled exams at 惇蹋圖 for students with accommodations is different from the one posted on the Registrars website. Room assignments are also different, as are procedures. The Registrar has provided Access Services with a list of all 惇蹋圖 students with a self-scheduled exam(s). There is no need for BMC students to notify Access Services of their exam schedule. Students with accommodations must simply follow the procedures, schedule, and available times listed on the Access Services website.
Note that there will be no evening exams offered and there are no self-scheduled exam times available (for students needing accommodations) for May 11 or May 16. If you need accommodations, plan accordingly.
Keep in mind that all students are subject to 惇蹋圖s Honor Code when taking any exam, and that it is your responsibility to monitor any time allowance and/or other pre-approved accommodations. If you are pre-approved to use your laptop to word-process a writing intensive exam, be reminded that you may only use your laptop to word-process and you may not use any other feature of your laptop and/or the internet.
If you have any questions about any of these procedures, contact Access Services at accessservices@brynmawr.edu no later than the last day of classes (May 2, 2025).
If you have testing accommodations and have exams that are
Please refer to the information below regarding the specific procedures, times, and rooms for self-scheduled exams if you are using your accommodations.
Haverford and Swarthmore students who have accommodations for a 惇蹋圖 self-scheduled exam must show their accommodation letter (stating approved accommodations) to the BMC Registrar when arriving to pick up a self-scheduled exam.
Make arrangements for accommodations directly with your professor well before the last class (our recommendation is 2 weeks).
Please contact the Haverford Registrar, located in Stokes 111, by the last day in November to make arrangements. Procedures at Haverford for self-scheduled exams (if you need accommodations) are different than here at 惇蹋圖; it is your responsibility to be informed. You are encouraged to have your BMC verification form with you and share it with Haverfords Registrar.
Review this information carefully. Read thoroughly.
The Honor Code is in effect during accommodated self-scheduled final exams. You are responsible for monitoring your exam behavior and testing accommodations.
You may take a self-scheduled exam on any of the dates/times listed in the section entitled Schedule for Spring 2025 Self-Scheduled Exams, found on the Access Services website. Make sure you refer to the correct section! There is one for students who receive time-and-a-half (1.5x) and there is a different one for students who receive double-time (2x).
Do NOT follow the dates/times for self-scheduled exams that are listed on the Registrars website.
Note (from the Schedule) that there are NO exam times for students with accommodations offered on May 11 or May 16. Plan accordingly.
Note that there are no exams that begin at 7:00 pm. Plan accordingly.
You will take your exam with accommodations in rooms that are different from students who are not eligible for accommodations. Available rooms are listed on the Schedule, at the very top. You may use whichever room you prefer if it is listed in the section. If you are pre-approved for a private room, that room location will be given to you by the Registrar when you pick up your test.
Specific Procedures:
Arrive at Guild at least 15-20 minutes prior to the listed start of the test. This will allow you time to fill out the necessary paperwork and to travel to your testing location without detracting from the time you have to complete the test.
While in Guild, you will be given a small exam card to complete. Make sure you check off Pre-approved for alternate test location.
On the outside of the white testing envelope, you must indicate the time you started and the time you ended the test, as well as which room you used.
Do not bring book bags to the testing room. Bring only the materials you will need for the test.
If you are pre-approved to word-process for the exam, you will need to bring your own laptop. You will need to print out your test responses in the library PRIOR to handing in your exam. Allow at least 15 minutes to do this. For example, if you finish your exam at 2:00 pm, you have until 2:15 pm to print out your exam answers. Then, put them in the white testing envelope and return the entire package.
If you are eligible for 50% additional time to take an exam (1.5x), you may bring a snack and/or beverage to the exam room to eat while taking the test. Please clean up after yourself when you leave.
If you are eligible for double time (2x), you may bring a simple meal to the exam room and take a 30-minute break. You must stop working, turn over your exam, and stay in the test room during your break. You may not use any electronics during your break, including your phone. Please clean up after yourself when you leave.
REMINDER: All exams must be finished by the times listed on the Schedule (adding 15 minutes if you need to print out responses in the library) and returned to the appropriate location listed on the Schedule. NO EXCEPTIONS.
If you have any questions about ANY of these procedures, you need to contact Access Services BEFORE the exam period begins. They can be reached at 610-526-7516 or accessservices@brynmawr.edu. However, after Friday, May 2nd you must contact the Registrar, Kirsten OBeirne at kobeirne@brynmawr.edu of 610-526-5041 during business hours.
You may use any of the following rooms to take an exam: Dalton 1, Dalton 2, Dalton 6, Dalton 10*, Dalton 25, Dalton 212 E and Dalton 212A. (*Note: Dalton 10 is for open book exams.)
惇蹋圖 students pre-approved for a private room will be given the location of that room by the Registrar when you pick up your test.
If you are pre-approved to use your laptop to word process a writing intensive exam, you will need to print out your answers in the library before turning in your exam. Allow 15 minutes from the time you finish the test to do this. Printing time should not be deleted from the 4.5 hours you have to take the test.
Monday, May 5
- Start time: You may start an exam any time between 9:30 am and noon, but no later than noon.
- End time: The exam must end 4 翻 hours after you begin.
- The Honor Code is in effect. Write your start/end times on the outside of your white test envelope.
- Where to pick up your exam: L-09 Guild
- Where to return exam: L-09 Guild
Tuesday, May 6
- Start time: You may start an exam any time between 9:30 am and noon, but no later than noon.
- End time: The exam must end 4 翻 hours after you begin.
- The Honor Code is in effect. Write your start/end times on the outside of your white test envelope.
- Where to pick up your exam: L-09 Guild
- Where to return exam: L-09 Guild
Wednesday, May 7
- Start time: You may start an exam any time between 9:30 am and 4:30 pm, but no later than 4:30 pm.
- End time: The exam must end 4 翻 hours after you begin.
- The Honor Code is in effect. Write your start/end times on the outside of your white test envelope.
- Where to pick up your exam: L-09 Guild
- Where to return exam: L-09 Guild
Thursday, May 8
- Start time: You may start an exam any time between 9:30 am and 4:30 pm, but no later than 4:30 pm.
- End time: The exam must end 4 翻 hours after you begin.
- The Honor Code is in effect. Write your start/end times on the outside of your white test envelope.
- Where to pick up your exam: L-09 Guild
- Where to return exam: L-09 Guild
Friday, May 9
- Start time: You may start an exam any time between 9:30 am and noon, but no later than noon.
- End time: The exam must end 4 翻 hours after you begin.
- The Honor Code is in effect. Write your start/end times on the outside of your white test envelope.
- Where to pick up your exam: L-09 Guild
- Where to return exam: L-09 Guild
Saturday, May 10 (**Last day for senior exams!)
- Start time: You may start an exam any time between 9:30 am and noon, but no later than noon.
- End time: The exam must end 4 翻 hours after you begin.
- The Honor Code is in effect. Write your start/end times on the outside of your white test envelope.
- Where to pick up your exam: L-09 Guild
- Where to return exam: L-09 Guild
Sunday, May 11
No exams with accommodations may be taken on this day.
Monday, May 12 Thursday, May 15
- Start time: You may start an exam any time between 9:30 am and noon, but no later than noon.
- End time: The exam must end 4 翻 hours after you begin.
- The Honor Code is in effect. Write your start/end times on the outside of your white test envelope.
- Where to pick up your exam: L-09 Guild
- Where to return exam: L-09 Guild
Friday, May 16
No exams with accommodations may be taken on this day.
You may use any of the following rooms to take an exam: Dalton 1, Dalton 2, Dalton 6, Dalton 10*, Dalton 25, Dalton 212 E and Dalton 212A. (*Note: Dalton 10 is for open book exams.)
惇蹋圖 students pre-approved for a private room will be given the location of that room by the Registrar when you pick up your test.
If you are pre-approved to use your laptop to word process a writing intensive exam, you will need to print out your answers in the library before turning in your exam. Allow 15 minutes from the time you finish the test to do this. Printing time should not be deleted from the 6.5 hours you have to take the test.
Monday, May 5
- Start time: You may start an exam any time between 9:30 am and 10 am, but no later than 10 am.
- End time: The exam must end 6 翻 hours after you begin.
- The Honor Code is in effect. Write your start/end times on the outside of your white test envelope.
- Where to pick up your exam: L-09 Guild
- Where to return exam: L-09 Guild
Tuesday, May 6
- Start time: You may start an exam any time between 9:30 am and 10 am, but no later than 10 am.
- End time: The exam must end 6 翻 hours after you begin.
- The Honor Code is in effect. Write your start/end times on the outside of your white test envelope.
- Where to pick up your exam: L-09 Guild
- Where to return exam: L-09 Guild
Wednesday, May 7
- Start time: You may start an exam any time between 9:30 am and 3:00 pm, but no later than 3:00 pm.
- End time: The exam must end 6 翻 hours after you begin.
- The Honor Code is in effect. Write your start/end times on the outside of your white test envelope.
- Where to pick up your exam: L-09 Guild
- Where to return exam: L-09 Guild
Thursday, May 8
- Start time: You may start an exam any time between 9:30 am and 3:00 pm, but no later than 3:00 pm.
- End time: The exam must end 6 翻 hours after you begin.
- The Honor Code is in effect. Write your start/end times on the outside of your white test envelope.
- Where to pick up your exam: L-09 Guild
- Where to return exam: L-09 Guild
Friday, May 9
- Start time: You may start an exam any time between 9:30 am and 10 am, but no later than 10 am.
- End time: The exam must end 6 翻 hours after you begin.
- The Honor Code is in effect. Write your start/end times on the outside of your white test envelope.
- Where to pick up your exam: L-09 Guild
- Where to return exam: L-09 Guild
Saturday, May 10 (**Last day for senior exams!)
- Start time: You may start an exam any time between 9:30 am and 10 am, but no later than 10 am.
- End time: The exam must end 6 翻 hours after you begin.
- The Honor Code is in effect. Write your start/end times on the outside of your white test envelope.
- Where to pick up your exam: L-09 Guild
- Where to return exam: L-09 Guild
Sunday, May 11
No exams with accommodations may be taken on this day.
Monday, May 12 Thursday, May 15
- Start time: You may start an exam any time between 9:30 am and 10 am, but no later than 10 am.
- End time: The exam must end 6 翻 hours after you begin.
- The Honor Code is in effect. Write your start/end times on the outside of your white test envelope.
- Where to pick up your exam: L-09 Guild
- Where to return exam: L-09 Guild
Friday, May 16
No exams with accommodations may be taken on this day.

Contact Us
Access Services
Access Services
Eugenia Chase Guild Hall
Room 103 and 104
101 N. Merion Ave.
惇蹋圖, Pennsylvania 19010