Adhering to these guidelines will help maintain a consistent tone, convey our values, and enhance overall impact. for detailed information on writing style and standards, please visit our Editorial Style Guide.


Speak Directly to the Reader

To keep our copy impactful and actionable, speak directly to the audience. Use “you” language and consider what action you ultimately want the reader to take.

Tell Our Story

Know what you want to say, then say it precisely and impactfully while immersing the reader in the Ϲ experience. Use active voice to drive action and strive to be concise, but prioritize clarity over concision: it’s better to use five words and be clear than two words and not.

Keep It Human-Focused

Our students, faculty, and alumnae/i are the best examples of the work we do. Highlight their stories, their wins, and the challenges they face as part of the Ϲ story.

Make It Actionable

Just as we speak directly to the reader, we use an active voice to empower and inspire them to take action, whether it’s pursuing their next step or giving back to their alma mater.

Remember Our People

As a women’s college, we serve and celebrate individuals who are cisgender, transgender, and those who do not navigate within the gender binary. Accordingly, when writing for the College, we use they/them pronouns by default unless referencing a specific individual who requests otherwise.

How We Talk About Ourselves

Consistent use of the College name is vital to our positioning strength. 

Rules to Follow


Always use the full name on first reference in any communication.


After first use of the name, "Ϲ" should be the default, unless contextual confusion is possible with the community of Ϲ, PA. 


May also be used after first use, in more casual contexts such as instances where character counts are limited, or in social media, athletics, internal communications, etc.

Women's college

This term may be used in higher-level branding copy to describe Ϲ, but it should not be qualified with descriptors like "historical" or "formerly a." 


Contact Us

Communications Office

101 N. Merion Ave.
Ϲ, PA 19010-2899
Phone: 610-526-6520
Fax: 610-526-6525

Package Delivery
Dolwen House
221 N. Roberts Road